
The night sky has always enthralled me. Growing up in Palm Springs and staring up at the stars has always been awe inspiring. Last year I took a workshop with Ian Norman of  Lonely Speck to gain the skills and process to capture the Milky Way. I was determined. I failed a lot. My first attempt was in Palm Springs but it wasn’t any where near a dark enough sky. My next failed attempt was in Topanga Canyon. Again. Not dark enough.

Then in March of 2018 I moved to Frazier Park. I just knew that the dark skies awaited me and I arrived at the beginning of the season. Who knew there was even a season! March through October. My first attempt was thwarted by clouds and city light from Santa Clarita. I was atop Frazier Mountain but the disability was not good. Upon returning home I tried again from my porch and got a few decent images.

July 2018 atop Mt Piños is where I found what I was looking for. The parking lot was full of RV’s and astronomers with gigantic telescopes. With my dog Cash in tow we went around chatting people up and getting a little educated on what we were seeing up there.

We staked out our spot and camera on the tripod facing south we waited for the Milky way to rise. I had finally gotten to the place I needed to make these images. So I came back the very next night to get it again. See more of my Landscapes.180714_Mt Piños Milk-1180714_Mt Piños Milk-1I especially like the flare from a car’s tail lights here. A happy accident.180714_Mt Piños Milk-2180714_Mt Piños Milk-3The red of the tail lights lighting up the trees.180604_Milky way-17.JPGThis one from my porch.

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My roadside Tiguan star chasing home.

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Damn headlights.

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Ok the break lights aren’t so bad.

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I see you Milky Way now where are my meteors!!